
Bij ons vertrek jl. zondag om 06:00 in de ochtend, stond Kevin Pyne op de
Town Jetty van Dartmouth om ons uit te zwaaien. Vervolgens schreef hij
zijn gedicht "Eclipse" dat we na onze aankomst op Alderney via het
internet ontvingen.


Our planets aligned in the heavens

For just a few spectacular days

Before once again

The orbits of all things took them on to go

Again there way

And yet that time was as good as

Time might be

Before once again the show was over

And our orbiting planets again "broke free"

But a time will come as it always

Must and will

When that which revolves aligns

Yet again as it must for nothing may

Or can ever stands still 

And even if it is for only ever a matter

Of such a short time over a few days

And nights

The time there in spent is so spectacular

Because to cross each others paths

Is as ever so rare yet such a fulfilling delight 

Dartmouth, August 11th 2013
Kevin Pyne